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The main station buildings and station approach. Today these station buildings are private residences so there are no ticket office nor waiting room facilities. There is (2009) a Permit To Travel machine for those without a season or pre-purchased ticket, but no ticket machine here.

photograph by Gregory Beecroft

Ockley is located between Holmwood and Warnham on the Dorking to Horsham line. Originally named Ockley & Capel when it opened on 1st May 1867, the name was simplified to just Ockley despite the fact that Capel is both nearer to the station and a larger village! At one time there was a lot of goods traffic from here, in the form of bricks and milk, but closure of one of the local brickyards and the loss of the milk traffic to road vehicles saw that decline dramatically in the 1930s.


The platform side of the buildings, which are adjacent to the down line. One of the anomalies here is the up platform has a train destination and expected arrival time display indicator, but there is no such favility provided for the down platform.

photograph by Gregory Beecroft


A close-up of the buildings under the canopy on the down platform. Being a private residence the frosted glass is a necessity. Network Rail had plans to demolish most of the remaining station facilities, as has happened at neighbouring Warnham, but a hard-fought campaign by a private resident in Station Approach saw English Heritage agree to give the station and its wooden canopy and waiting shelter Grade II listing so Network Rail (and their successors?) have to maintain the station as it is.

photograph by Gregory Beecroft


Another view of the down platform and its wooden canopy.

photograph by Gregory Beecroft


The view looking north through the station, showing the waiting shelter and train indicator on the up platform.

photograph by Gregory Beecroft



photograph by Gregory Beecroft

This page was last created 2 November 2009

SR Target