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LSWR Drummond K10 class 4-4-0

photograph: Mike Morant collection

K10 Class N°141 photographed at Waterloo - date unknown.

In 1901/2 Dugald Drummond introduced the K10 class (or "Small Hoppers"), a class of 40 4-4-0s which shared the same cylinders, boiler and firebox as his first 4-4-0 for the LSWR, the C8 class of 1897, although with 40 2¾ inch water tubes the K10's heating surface was greater. The frame length and wheelbase were identical, but with smaller wheels as they were intended for mixed traffic duties, though they shared the same problem as the C8s, an inability to sustain their power, which led to them having only occasional main line use. This defect did not, however, prevent them having an exemplary career on secondary routes as the LSWR had few heavy goods services that would have taxed them to the limit. N°137, built in September 1902, was the 650th engine to be built at Nine Elms. The class was never superheated, which might have improved their steaming.

The water tubes in the firebox did not last long as Urie began removing them quite early in his career. Normally coupled to a standard Drummond 14 foot tender, seven were allocated his 4,000 gallon bogie tenders which, rather than remain with the same locomotive, tended to be switched around within the class, though 135, 144, 380, 382, 386, 391 and 392 seem to have been the main users. After the grouping of 1923 the Southern Railway sent ten of the class to work on the former SECR lines where they were fitted with Urie stovepipe chimneys. They later returned to ex-LWSR lines though some of these ten locos were occasionally sent to Ashford for repairs. One, N°140, had its Drummond chimney restored.

Wartime service saw a few of the locos on foreign metals. In 1941 one loco was lent to the War Department, returning in 1942, whilst five others were lent to the LMSR for working their section of the Somerset & Dorset line then in August 1942 two of these five were at Gloucester and one at Bristol. They then moved to Nottingham until December 1944 whilst the remaining two of the original five spent the latter part of the war at Bristol, returning to the Southern in March 1945. Withdrawals started in january 1947 and although the majority of the class saw service with British Railways, it was not for long with the last one withdrawn by July 1951.

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  • 381
    On shed
    N°381 captured on shed in late Southern livery.
    Photograph: Mike Morant collection.
  • 342
    N°342 looking in something of a sorry state!br> Photograph: Mike Morant collection.

Technical Details

Bogie Wheel:
Driving Wheel:
Total Weight:
Cylinders (2):
Boiler Pressure:
Tractive Effort:
Water Capacity:
Coal Capacity:
3 ft 7 ins
5 ft 7 ins
45 ft 10 ins
46 tons 14 cwt
18½ x 26 in
180 lb sq in
20,300 lb
3,500/4000 galls
4 ton 0 cwt


The L&SWR was better than the other Southern Companies in keeping locomotive classes more or less in consecutive numbers, though not perfect! The following table is set out in order of build:
LSWR N° SR N° # BR N° * Built Withdrawn
329 329 30329 Dec 1901 Apr 1950
340 340 30340 Dec 1901 Jun 1948
341 341 30341 Dec 1901 Dec 1949
342 342 - Dec 1901 Jan 1947
343 343 - Dec 1901 Jan 1948
344 344 - Dec 1901 Jan 1947
345 345 Ø 30345 Jan 1902 Sep 1949
347 347 - Feb 1902 Jan 1947
393 393 Ø 30393 Feb 1902 Jan 1949
394 394 Ø µ 30394 Mar 1902 May 1949
380 380 30380 Apr 1902 Jun 1949
381 381 - Apr 1902 Jun 1947
382 382 30382 Apr 1902 Aug 1950
383 383 30383 Apr 1902 Jun 1949
384 384 Ø 30384 Apr 1902 Jun 1951
385 385 30385 May 1902 Jan 1949
386 386 30386 May 1902 Aug 1949
387 387 - May 1902 May 1947
388 388 Ø ¶ - May 1902 Apr 1947
389 389 ¶ 30389 Jun 1902 Jul 1951
390 390 30390 Jun 1902 Oct 1950
391 391 30391 Jul 1902 Oct 1949
392 392 30392 Jul 1902 Nov 1948
135 135 § 30135 Aug 1902 Apr 1949
136 136 - Aug 1902 Jan 1947
137 137 Ø § 30137 Sep 1902 Aug 1949
138 138 Ø § - Sep 1902 Jan 1947
139 139 30139 Oct 1902 Sep 1948
140 140 Ø 30140 Oct 1902 Jan 1950
141 141 Ø 30141 Oct 1902 Oct 1949
142 142 30142 Nov 1902 Jan 1950
143 143 30143 Nov 1902 Sep 1948
144 144 30144 Nov 1902 Jul 1949
145 145 30145 Dec 1902 Oct 1948
146 146 - Dec 1902 Feb 1948
149 149 - Dec 1902 Jan 1947
150 150 Ø - Dec 1902 Feb 1948
151 151 30151 Dec 1902 Feb 1950
152 152 30152 Dec 1902 Feb 1949
153 153 30153 Dec 1902 Feb 1949
Between 1923 and 1928 SR numbers were the L&SWR numbers with the added prefix 'E', although the prefix may not have been removed until some time later!
It is highly unlikely that the locos withdrawn in the very early days of British Railways carried a smokebox number.
Ø  Sent to the ex-SECR section and fitted with Urie stovepipe chimneys after the grouping, but all returned before nationalisation. 140 had Drummond chimney restored in Jan 1946.
§  Lent to LMSR in 1941. 135 at Bristol and 137 & 138 at Gloucester in Aug 1942. All three later at Nottingham until they returned to the SR in Dec 1944.
¶  Lent to LMSR in 1941. Both later at Bristol until they returned to the SR in Mar 1945.
µ  Lent to the War Department in 1941. Returned to the SR in 1942.

This page was last updated 13 July 2011

SR Target