
Whitchurch station is on the LSWR main line to Salisbury between Basingstoke and Andover. Following nationalization the name was changed to Whitchurch North in 1949 to avoid confusion with the ex-GWR station on the Didcot, Newbury and Southampton line. In 1972 the name reverted once again to plain Whitchurch.
This photograph shows 34007 Wadebridge passing Whitchurch on 5th May 1965. The island platform can be clearly seen on the right.

photograph by Peter Groom, with thanks to Wadebridge (34007) Loco Ltd

Whitchurch The no-longer-an-island platform photographed on 15th May 2010.

photograph by Gregory Beecroft

The front of the sation as it was on 15th May 2010. This once handsome building suffers from boarded-up windows and that horrible paint on its brickwork.

photograph by Gregory Beecroft

Whitchurch Another view of the ex-island platform.

photograph by Gregory Beecroft

The platform side of the main building. As can just be seen at the far end of the platform, the former sidings are now long gone.

photograph by Gregory Beecroft

Whitchurch A closer view of the platform side of the building showing that although it has more boarded-up windows, the horrible white paint has not encroached here. The platform itself has been raised at some time, but leaving a lower area at the original height adjacent to the station building. Hence the low wall which is at the change in height.

photograph by Gregory Beecroft

The footbridge and a general view through the station. The large brick building next to the footbridge is modern and has nothing to do with the railway.

photograph by Gregory Beecroft


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This page was created 12 August 2010

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