
Westenhanger station is the first east of Ashford on the line to Folkstone and these days it is probably at its most busy when there is a meeting at the nearby Folkestone Racecourse. The CTRL runs alongside the ex-SECR lines, as can be seen in some of the photographs below. The station has a two story building, though sadly it has long since passed into disuse with all the windows boarded up and only basic bus-style shelters provided on the platforms for passengers. A recently constructed bridge carries the road above the station, no doubt reconstructed to take it over the CTRL lines. The platforms are staggered in typical SER style and not connected; you have to cross the road to move between platforms. The station is still well used by commuters who often park on the roadside verges leading to the station.
Westenhanger The boarded-up building on the up side of the station. The new bridge over the line can be seen here, together with the steps that lead up to it from the down platform.

photograph by Neil Walkling

The view from the other end of the building, also showing the minimal passenger weather protection provided here.

photograph by Neil Walkling

Westenhanger A view of the up platform taken from the north end of the down platform.

photograph by Neil Walkling

The tangle of wires that is the overhead power supply for the CTRL trains is very visible beyond platform two as class 375 Electrostar unit º375814 is leaving.

photograph by Neil Walkling


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This page was created 12 July 2007

SR Target