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A 6th April 2009 view of the modern station building from the approach side.

photograph by Chris Osment

Honiton Station is on the mainline to the west, shortly before Exeter. Opened by the LSWR on 19th July 1860, along with its Exeter Extension from Yeovil Junction to Exeter Queen Street, the original station, designed by William Tite, was swept aside to be replaced by the monstrosity below. When the route from Yoevil to Exeter was singled in 1967 the previous Down platform became bi-directional, with Up trains calling there unless required to cross another train, in which case they use the previous Up platform on what is now known as the Up Loop.


Here we see the platform side of the building, situated on the Down, Exeter-bound, side, though the platform is used for both Up and Down trains when no crossing movement is required. Annoyingly for many Honiton residents is the fact that the station building is on the south side of the line, the side further away from the Town Centre!.

photograph by Chris Osment


A view looking through the station in the Up direction showing the minimal passenger shelter provided on the Up Loop platform.

photograph by Chris Osment


Moving forward in time to 2011 we can see that the footbridge has been moved and there's been a lick of paint applied around the station, which is now looking quite smart! The station also has some new nameboards.

photograph by Chris Osment


The view looking through the station in the Down direction shows there is still one remaining siding at Honiton, though this is a relatively recent one. Previously there were five sidings, a goods shed and a dock on the Down side, all taken out of use in 1967, and one on the Up side, slightly to the left of the one in this photograph, that was lifted in 1968.

photograph by Chris Osment


A closer view of Honiton Signalbox. At the time of this photograph in 2011 all the remaining points were still worked mechanically.

photograph by Chris Osment


The Up Starting Signals at the London end of the station and the start of the single line section towards Yeovil just the other side of the bridge.

photograph by Chris Osment

This page was last updated 26 January 2012

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