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Royal Mail coaches

photograph by John Lewis

Post Office Sorting Van 4921 with 4958 at Dover.

Because the Southern Railway's main lines were, in the main, far shorter than those of other companies one may be excused thinking that there was not much call for Travelling Post Office vehicles. Whereas it is true to say that they were built in smaller numbers than elsewhere, there was most certainly a need for them. Pictures of three of them are reproduced here, towards the end of their operational lives and during the British Rail blue/grey era..

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  • Van 4958

    Post Office Stowage Van 4958 at Clapham Junction.
    Photograph by John Lewis.
  • Van 4959

    Post Office Stowage Van 4959 (right) with a PO Sorting van at Dover Harbour.
    Photograph by John Lewis.
  • Red full brake

    A full brake in red, with double yellow stripes low down on the bodyside, incorporating BR arrows. Some of these vans carried the Post Office logo, but that is not the case with this one.
    Photograph by John Lewis.
  • Red NJV

    A NJV general utility van in the red livery with yellow stripes. The picture also includes a full brake in plain blue.
    Photograph by John Lewis.
  • Sorting Van

    This is a Sorting Van in the then-new Post Office livery, c.1992.
    Photograph by John Lewis.

This page was last updated 3 December 2002

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