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Preston Park Pullman Works

The photographs on this page, provided by Ian Morgan, were taken about 1996, long before the fire of 11th December 2003 that caused damage to the building rather than the contents, themselves already in a pretty sorry state.
Click on the thumbnails for a larger image.
  • Car N° 92
    Looking far from its best, Car N° 92, one of the Driving Cars of the famous Brighton Belle.
  • Car N° 92
    Another view of this car. Headcode 5 was not the Brighton Belle's, that was N°4. 5 was for a semi-fast between London Bridge and Brighton.
  • Car N° 92
    Another view of Car N° 92 having descended to an all-time low!
  • Car N° 92
    The misspent days of some of Brighton's youth have left quite a lot of graffiti on the old vehicles. Car N° 92 again.
  • Car N° 92
    Broken glass and ripped blinds cannot hide the glory that was Pullman Travel!Car N° 92 once again.
  • Car N°92
    Car N°92, again just clinging on to its identity.
  • Car N° 92
    More marquetry on display, Again Car N° 92 - and the horrible seat covering used in their last days with BR.
  • Car N° 93
    A pile of broken seats in Car N° 93 and some signs of repair work in progress.
  • Car N° 93
    Further into the shed, a view of Car N° 93 with piles of discarded timber - just right for a fire!
  • Balmoral
    A very interesting car. It is "Balmoral", originally a 3 axle 6-wheel car sleeping car built in January 1883 and delivered to the GNR where it worked east coast night trains to and from Scotland. From 1885 it was relocated to the Highland Railway where it worked Glasgow to Inverness night trains. In 1895 it was rebuilt onto bogies and ended operational use in 1907 running in mixed passenger/goods trains, after which it was placed in store until 1918. Its next chapter saw it become part of a bungalow at Seaford. It was moved to Preston Park Pullman Works in 1987 and today, some twenty years later, is awaiting removal to a new site, hopefully for restoration.
  • Balmoral
    "Balmoral" again. Even in this state the intricate marquetry of the interior is still looking good.
  • Pullman
    The Pullman Crest that adorned each car before the "Rail Blue" era vandalised them.
  • Graffiti
    More graffiti - and to think some call this art!

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This page was last updated 5 March 2017

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