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Ex-LNER Gresley Buffet

photograph by Ray Soper

During 1966 the early MkI RBs were being taken out of service to be converted into EMU (Rep) vehicles which action led to some Gresley RBs being transferred to the Southern Region to cover the shortfall during the last year of steam operation where the coaches concerned were mainly used on the Ocean Liner Boat Trains. S9117E would have been transferred somewhere between June 1966 and the end of steam, but precisely when is not known.

The vehicles as at June 1966 were:


By the time of the July 1967 appendix they were no longer required, however the vehicles to be withdrawn list shows the following:


photograph by Ray Soper

S9127E between a Bulleid and a MkI in a train at Clapham Junction on 17th November 1966. It seems doubtful that these vehicles would have been painted green at his late stage, something these B/W photographs don't assist with!

This page was last updated 8 April 2003

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